Sustainability Seminars_6

Prof. Dr. Meltem Yılmaz graduated from the Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture in 1986 after completing her high school education at the Turkish Education Association Private High School. She completed her master's degree on Historical Environments at Hacettepe University, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design. She obtained her doctorate at Ankara University Faculty of Political Science Urban and Environmental Sciences, working on Property Rights and Sustainable Urbanization. Between 2013 and 2016, she worked as the Dean of Hacettepe University Faculty of Fine Arts before being the Dean of Hacettepe University Faculty of Architecture in 2020. Additionally, she has been the coordinator of Hacettepe University Sustainable Campuses Coordinatorship since 2022. She is a member of international professional organizations called Ekistics and the European Academy of Land Use. She is a member of the YÖK Disabled Student Commission. She works on Sustainable Architecture and Sustainable Urbanization. She has many national and international publications, proceedings and books on related subjects. She also has research and publications on the relationship between Autism and Space and accessibility.

In this speech, which will be held online under the Hacettepe University Sustainable Campuses Coordinatorship on Monday, June 10, 2024 at 20.00, Prof. Dr. Meltem Yılmaz aims to underline the importance of campuses in this regard by conveying the position of university campuses in current environmental problems and the opportunities they can offer through the example of Beytepe Campus. The language of the seminar is Turkish.


Meeting Attendance Information

Meeting link:

Meeting ID: 882 6043 9336

Password: 238011
